But back in June, it was all ahead of us as we started out so innocently on our cross-country move. Just John, Laura, Caleb, Finley, Anika, Wannabe, Lila, Expensia, and me. That's one adult, 3 kids, 3 cats, and 2 dogs for those of you who don't know us all by name. Plus a van full of stuff. I've never made the trip so fast!

A day and a half later, we arrived at Noni's house in Westby. We off-loaded here, and I think I actually saw the van give a sigh of relief.

The next part of the summer was spent working on getting Caleb enrolled in the special program he's going to be attending for some months. That came to fruition the first week of July.
Then house-hunting became an ever-present problem. For Caleb to be able to attend his school, I found I needed to live in North Dakota. Only one problem, they're in the middle of an oil boom, and housing is in very short supply. As in none. Zippo. Zilch.
With the housing question still unresolved, my attentions turned to getting Laura and John enrolled in their respective schools. That took place the last couple weeks of Aug. Once John was safely deposited, I took off for California to spend a couple weeks visiting my parents and helping them pack. That is where I am currently, and where my housing problem has finally become settled. More on that later!