The day started innocently enough. I arrived at my parents' house as usual to work as an aide for my grandpa. I was in the middle of making the pie crusts for lunch's pot pie when there was a knock at the door. My mom was vacuuming in the other room, so I was the one that opened the door.
They have been fixing up their modular for winter and had finished installing the skirting a few days before. This morning the mews got loud enough for them to hear. They took a section off, crawled under, peeled back the insulation, and there they were, all five of them. The kitten referral neighbor was very sweet and gave me some money to help defray the expenses of this newest litter. But I have come up with a great plan to generate income.
When looking for income opportunities, it is best to look around you first. What are your aptitudes? What do you enjoy? What resources do you already have?
And so I bring you....
(cue sultry music)
Are you alone tonight? Do you love cats, but can't have one of your own? Just dial 1-900-CAT-TALK to speak with our professional cats. Let them purr for you, rub up against the phone, and meow in your ear. Real cats. Real time.
It's perfect, because clearly there is a never-ending labor force here in Westby, and all they want for pay is some cans of cat food and fresh litter. I'm going to make a fortune!
I have a menagerie too Tina. I live in a small little house on the corner and have a large fenced in yard. It has become almost common to walk outside and find a new animal that has somehow opened the gate and wandered in. The local shelter knows me by my first name and recognize my voice on the phone. What to do? I have told my sons that we won't go hungry if the rest of the world least for the first couple of months we will have a steady supply of protein to supplement our canned beans and vegetables. Cat soup anyone?